Prophetic Witchcraft: A Warning Against Spiritual Manipulation
Understanding Prophetic Witchcraft Prophetic witchcraft is the act of using prophecy as a weapon to bring destruction upon an individual. It is the art of manipulating people through prophecy, using the phrase “Thus says the Lord” to counter an individual’s progress. These words are carefully crafted to push you out of God’s plan and destiny.
Prophetic witches use enticing words to lead people against the word of God, which ultimately brings destruction. May you never fall victim to such deception in the mighty name of Jesus.
How Prophetic Witchcraft Operates Many are suffering today because of prophetic witchcraft. It occurs when someone claims their instruction is from God to gain approval while leading others into destruction. However, any message that truly comes from God will never contradict His word. If someone gives you a prophecy that goes against scripture, be very careful and avoid them.
God cannot tell you to do something that contradicts His word. Whenever a prophecy leads you astray from the Bible, it is not from God but from an agent of darkness operating from a witchcraft altar.
A Biblical Example of Prophetic Witchcraft A striking example of prophetic witchcraft is found in 1 Kings 13. A man of God from Judah was sent to Bethel with specific instructions: he was neither to eat nor drink there, nor return by the same route. However, after completing his assignment, another prophet deceived him. This prophet falsely claimed that an angel had given him a contrary instruction. Trusting the false prophet, the man of God disobeyed God’s original command and ate with him. As a result, God’s judgment fell upon him, and he was killed by a lion on his way back.
This example shows how dangerous it is to follow words that contradict God’s instructions, even if they come from someone claiming to be a prophet.
How to Identify Prophetic Witchcraft
- Confusion: God is not the author of confusion. If a prophecy contradicts previous divine instructions, it is not from God.
- Contradiction to Scripture: Any prophecy must align with the word of God. If it goes against His commandments, it is false.
- Encouragement to Sin: Prophetic witches often encourage actions that violate God’s laws, such as adultery, fornication, or dishonesty.
- Financial Exploitation: Beware of those who demand large sums of money as a “seed” for blessings, especially when they ask for amounts beyond your means.
- Unscriptural Rituals: Some false prophets instruct people to perform rituals—such as cutting hair, bringing eggs to the altar, or gathering dirt from their homes—which are actually occult practices.
- Fear and Control: If a prophet tells you that leaving their church will bring curses upon you, this is manipulation rooted in witchcraft.
Modern-Day Manifestations of Prophetic Witchcraft Some so-called prophets instruct individuals to leave their spouses without biblical justification, claiming it is a “divine” solution. Others encourage immoral acts, such as engaging in sexual sin under the guise of spiritual deliverance. These are clear signs of deception.
The Bible warns against false prophets like Jezebel, who manipulated people into sin (Revelation 2:20). Similarly, today’s prophetic witches give misleading instructions, leading many away from God’s truth.
Beware and Stay Rooted in God’s Word Always verify every prophetic word against the Bible. If it contradicts Scripture, it is an attack against your life. The word of God is the ultimate standard, and no prophecy should override it.
Final Warning Stop being a victim of prophetic witchcraft. Be vigilant, test every spirit, and align yourself only with the truth of God’s word. May God bless and guide you in wisdom. Amen.