What is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels and hast crowned him with glory and honor. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet—all the sheep and oxen, yea, all the beasts of the field, the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea.
The Word of God in the Book of Psalms, Chapter 8:4-8, made us to understand that God has given you dominion over all the works of His hands. He has put everything under your feet. He has given you dominion over all the powers that operate in this world, including the water, the sea, and the ocean. He has given you dominion over all the forces that operate from the land and the marine.
There is a very wicked force that operates from the water called marine spirit and marine witchcraft. Sons and daughters of God, we should be able to deal with this power. The marine spirit is a very wicked and jealous spirit that paralyzes the finances of individuals. It is responsible for 90% of crises in marriages and families. Many, due to ignorance, are in the bondage of these spirits that want to keep you in perpetual bondage. They are the worst enemy of man. They stand against everything that represents man. They exert their influence through marine witchcraft and marine altars.
These spirits use marine witchcraft and marine altars to influence their activities against man.
The Word of God says in the Book of Luke, Chapter 10, Verse 19: “Behold, I have given you power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and whatsoever represents the powers of darkness, and nothing shall by any means hurt you, even marine witchcraft and marine spirits.”
Romans 10:9-10: “If thou shalt believe in thy heart the Lord Jesus and confess with thy mouth that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
I want you to confess:
I am a workmanship of God. I am a workmanship of God, recreated in Christ as a priest and king to reign here on earth. As I go into this prayer, I hold in my hand the victory Jesus Christ purchased on the cross of Calvary when He made a public show of all principalities and power, including marine witchcraft and marine spirits. Greater is He that is in me than any power on earth and in the sea. I have overcome water spirits and marine witchcraft. With faith, I take position in Christ as one given power to become a son of God, to execute judgment against every form of disobedience standing against the Word of God.
This is your confession as you begin to enter into prayers because your victory has been achieved.
Every trademark of water spirits in my life, be flushed out by the blood of Jesus! Every trademark of the water spirit in my life, be flushed out by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
I refuse and reject every ancestral water covenant in the name of Jesus! I refuse and reject every ancestral covenant in the name of Jesus!
Every evil altar under the water sponsoring iniquity in my life, let that altar receive destruction now by the power in the name of Jesus Christ! Every evil altar under the water sponsoring iniquity in my life, let that altar receive destruction by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Let destruction fall upon that altar!
Every witchcraft altar, every marine witchcraft altar where they wrote your name, where they are mentioning your name, and they are using your name for invocation and incantation in that altar—wherever that altar is, whether in the north, south, west, in the sea, or under the ocean—let the fire of God locate that altar now! Let the fire of God locate that altar and let that altar receive destruction by fire in the mighty name of Jesus!
Every marine witchcraft altar where they are mentioning the name of your household, where they are mentioning the name of your children, and they are making invocation and incantation with your names in that altar—I come against that altar with the blood of Jesus Christ! Let the blood of Jesus locate that altar wherever it is hiding, and let destruction fall upon that altar now in the mighty name of Jesus!
Anything that belongs to you—your material, your clothes, your shoes, your slippers, your hair—that has been taken to a witchcraft altar and is being used to perpetrate wickedness against your life, let fire locate it now! Let fire locate it now! Let it catch fire and burn to ashes! Any of your belongings that were taken to a marine witchcraft altar and are being used to perpetrate wickedness against your life, let fire locate them now! Let them catch fire and burn to ashes in the mighty name of Jesus!
Every monitoring mirror under the water used to monitor your life, your success, and your progress, let that mirror scatter into pieces! Let it scatter beyond repair in the mighty name of Jesus! Every marine witchcraft monitoring mirror that is under the sea and is being used to monitor your life, let that mirror scatter beyond repair in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
Every agent of marine witchcraft physically attached to your marriage, your life—receive frustration by the blood of Jesus! Every witchcraft activity under the water against your life, receive destruction by fire in the mighty name of Jesus! Every witchcraft activity under the water against your life, receive destruction by fire in the mighty name of Jesus! Receive destruction by fire!
Any power under any river or sea manipulating your life, receive destruction by the blood of Jesus! Receive destruction by the blood of Jesus!
Every marine witchcraft cobweb that is covering your life, your glory, your destiny—let fire locate it now! Let it catch fire and burn to ashes! Every marine witchcraft cobweb covering your forehead, which speaks of your star, let it catch fire and burn to ashes! Every marine witchcraft cobweb that is covering your head, let fire locate it now! Let it catch fire and burn to ashes!
Every marine power blocking you from moving forward—what is this mountain before Zerubbabel? Every marine witchcraft power, every power of the marine spirit that has prevented you from moving forward, let that power be uprooted by fire in the mighty name of Jesus!
Every arrow that was shot into your life from any water by marine witchcraft power, come out and go back to sender! Every arrow that was shot into your life from the sea, from the ocean, from the river—let it come out of your body and go back to sender in the mighty name of Jesus! Every arrow that was fired into your life from the altars of marine witchcraft, I command that arrow—let it come out of your body and go back to sender in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
Hallelujah! Victory belongs to Jesus!