Why is it that your prayers are not answered? Why is it that you pray against witchcraft attacks in your life, and nothing happens? Why is it that you pray against attacks from witches and wizards, yet witchcraft attacks continue to prevail in your life? The more you pray, the more the attacks increase.
There are people who, as they pray against witchcraft attacks, experience even more attacks. Whenever they pray against witchcraft, the attacks increase. You pray against witchcraft attacks year in, year out—from January to December—yet nothing happens. Why is it that God does not answer prayer? Is it that God cannot fight against witchcraft attacks in your life? Have you sat down and pondered why this is happening?
There are people who, immediately after they finish praying against witchcraft attacks and lie down to sleep, experience intense attacks. In fact, the more they pray, the more the attacks increase. This has made some people afraid to pray. Why is it like this? You cannot even pray against ordinary witchcraft attacks from witches and wizards. Something is definitely wrong.
It is time you stop wasting your time at midnight and ponder: Where am I not getting it right? The scriptures say that the fervent prayer of the righteous avails much. If your prayers are truly availing, why do your attacks increase? You wake up in the night, pray for one or two hours, and the next morning, attacks increase in your life. Does it mean that you don’t have power as a Christian to challenge the forces of witchcraft in your life?
There must be a reason for this. There are reasons why these kinds of things are happening in your life. You have to understand that witchcraft operates by laws. You cannot fight in ignorance. The Word of God says: My people perish because of ignorance.
Some people pray against witchcraft attacks, yet attacks continue even as they pray. How can you be praying and, while praying, still be receiving attacks at the same time? You need to understand how witches operate.
There are two reasons why witchcraft attacks seem prevalent in your life.
- The Strategy of the Witches
Witches build cobwebs. Witchcraft attack is a cobweb attack. When a witch is attacking you, it is not only one witch attacking; a cobweb is being formed around you. However, that is not our focus today. - You Have Their Property
You possess their particulars. The Word of God says in John 14:30:
“The prince of this world comes, but he finds nothing in me.”
These are the very words of Christ. If the prince of this world comes and finds something that belongs to him in you, you can never prevail against him.
Even witches and wizards have their particulars. You must do away with these things. Once witches see their particulars in you, they know you can never win the war against them.
The first and foremost thing you should do is to get rid of their particulars. Stop wasting your midnight prayers. Stop wasting your energy. Stop wasting your time. Look into yourself:
What are the particulars of witchcraft?
What is their trademark that is keeping me behind, preventing me from prospering against witchcraft attacks?
Let me tell you, as a child of God, you should be a terror to the kingdom of witchcraft. If you pray for one or two hours earnestly, there should be trouble, catastrophe, and destruction in the kingdom of witches and wizards. In fact, no witch should be able to attack you at night when you stand and pray. But we do not know our left from our right.
What Are These Particulars?
The scripture mentions them in:
- 1 Corinthians 3:3
- Galatians 5:19-21
You must do away with these particulars. Listen carefully: If you have them, the witches know. That is why they are not afraid of you. You can pray from now until the kingdom comes, but once you have their particulars, they will increase their attacks because they know you have no power over them.
If you go through the scriptures, you will see them:
- Envy
- Jealousy
- Hatred
- Covetousness
- Strife
- Division
- Anger
Listen, you might say, “After all, I am not an adulterer. After all, I am not an idolater. I don’t worship idols. After all, I am not a drunkard.” And you may think that because of these things, you are free.
No! They still come for their particulars.
Once there is a trace of envy, jealousy, hatred, covetousness, strife, division, and anger in you, it will be very difficult for you to prevail against witches and wizards. It will be very difficult for you to prosper against witchcraft attacks.
That is why the scripture says:
“Do not let your anger last until the evening.”
If there is anger in you, and you take it to your bed, then wake up and begin to pray against witchcraft, your prayer will receive hindrance. The scripture warns against retaining such things in your heart.
If you are angry with your brother or anyone for no just reason, it will be difficult for you to prevail against this kind of attack.
Witches know this. That is why they will create something that will make you angry. Excessive anger is tied to your emotions. They introduce emotional problems into your life. You get excessively angry over mundane things. They do this because they know that with such things, you can never prosper against them.

That is why there should be a limit to how angry you can get. If you have a problem with hot temper, if you easily get into quarrels, it will affect your spiritual life. Stay away from such things.
If you have a jealous character, jealousy is a trademark of witches and wizards. It is the spirit of witchcraft. If it is found in you, you will not prevail against witchcraft attacks.
You are jealous of your neighbor’s belongings. You see something that somebody has, and you are not happy because of it. You wish they didn’t have it. You wish that thing was stolen from them. You are jealous because of material things that people possess. You are holding onto a particular of witchcraft, and you can never prevail against witchcraft attacks.
The spirit of envy resides in you. You are envious of people. When you see others possessing things, you become envious. You always want what they have. If you had the chance, you would take it from them. You are not happy when good things happen to people. You are not happy when people succeed. You are not happy when people prosper. And yet, you think you can fight against witchcraft attacks?
Do away with these things. If you do, your prayers will be effective.
Other Hindrances to Prayer
I am not saying that these are the only things that hinder your prayers, but they are among them. There are other things that can hinder your prayers when praying against witchcraft attacks. However, these are some of the main ones.
If you have the spirit of strife, if you are always quarreling without reason, if people know you as a troublesome person, if you go to bed with anger—these things are trademarks of witchcraft. If you live in hatred, if you hate your brother or sister for no reason, these things hinder your prayers.
You are the one hindering your own prayers!
Do away with these things so that your prayers can become effective. That is what it takes to pray fervently.
Do away with the particulars of witches and wizards so that when you pray, your prayers will strike them. Your prayers will deal with them.
No weapon of witchcraft fashioned against you shall prosper! But you must do away with their particulars. If you are living in division and strife, remove these things.
Check yourself. If these spirits dwell in you, do away with them as a child of God. If you do, your prayers against witchcraft attacks will become deadly and dangerous.
God bless you.