There is a marketplace in every man’s life, as well as in every spiritual realm. Paul, in his time, addressed the issues of the market. There is a marketplace in your very life. Let me begin with the personal marketplace—the marketplace of individuals. When individuals begin to experience the marketplace, they begin to experience disturbances of the heart, noises in the heart. This is just like when the Bible spoke about people trading in the church, making business in the church, doing things that were not supposed to be done in the church, thereby bringing noises that were not permitted to be seen or heard in the church.
Now, that was the one within the physical realm. Today, we are going to look deeply into the marketplace of the spirit, for this is where the problems of men originate. This is also the place where the problems of men can be undone. Hallelujah! Whatever is happening to you is connected to a marketplace. Whatever you may be passing through in this life has a purpose that was orchestrated, and that purpose took that issue concerning you to the marketplace, where it was decided for or against you. Praise the Lord!
What is the Marketplace?
Every marketplace is a place of transactions. Every marketplace is a place of exchange. So, in dealing with human beings, we bring them to the marketplace. Listen, when the devil is against a man, the reason that attracts the devil and the attacks of the wicked is because of the things that must be sold in the marketplace. No person who goes to the market will go without a product. So, every spirit—whether demonic or otherwise—must come to the marketplace with some goods for sale. Hallelujah! And everyone coming to the market without goods for sale is coming to buy. The marketplace is a ground for transactions; either you are selling or buying. You don’t enter the marketplace without a purpose of transaction. A man in the marketplace must either come to buy or sell. Praise the Lord!
The marketplace is not a playground. The marketplace is a place of business—a place of serious business because it is where lives can be translated. It is where values and virtues of men can be swapped. Hallelujah! People use the altar of exchange to swap your virtue, character, lifestyle, gifts, and callings. People never understand that their callings can be exchanged. That’s why you may see a very good footballer, a star in his time, making headway. Everyone knows his name, and fans celebrate him. But suddenly, a man raises an altar against him and calls it an altar of exchange. His career, calling, or gifts begin to falter.
There are mysteries to altars. You don’t just raise an altar with a table. Altars raised on tables are not true altars. True altars involve certain things, which must be seen when we speak of altars. When raising an altar, there are specific things to use. When King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of an image with a head of gold and a body mixed with silver, bronze, sand, and iron, standing strong on the ground, that image was an altar. That altar represented six kings ahead of Nebuchadnezzar, talking about altars of the future. There are altars raised for the present and the future—altars that will affect you in the years to come.
These altars are raised to exchange you. They are raised to destroy you and take everything valuable from you. Your identity will change, your intelligence will be twisted, and your glory will be taken. What they take from you is brought to the market ground. The marketplace is where the blessings of men, stolen in the spiritual realm, are sold. It is a transactional place where your value can be given to another person. Someone may ask, “Is this possible?” The answer is 100%. People’s destinies can be transferred, and their stars and glory can be taken.
The Bible speaks of the wife of one of Aaron’s sons, who was about to deliver a child. While in labor, she heard the news that her husband had died, and she became distressed. This led to a premature delivery, and at the point of death, she named her son “Ichabod,” meaning “the glory of God has departed.” This illustrates that God’s glory can move from one person to another. Your glory can depart from you and be taken by another, even without God’s involvement.
Every spirit, every demon, every marine being has its time in the marketplace to buy or sell. There is nothing created on earth that does not practice marketing. The marketplace involves buying and selling of men’s glory and future. The future of a man can be taken and sold in the present time.
The marketplace is where important things in a man’s life can be stolen and sold. For instance, a singer who becomes famous and sought-after may suddenly lose her voice because someone exchanged her gift in the marketplace. Similarly, a once-wealthy man can lose everything, becoming poor and beggarly, because his wealth was taken and sold in the spiritual marketplace. Until the church understands the need to enter the marketplace and transact for their blessings, they will continue to lose things daily.
When men sleep, the devil transacts on their lives. This explains why a woman who was once fertile can suddenly be unable to conceive again, despite doctors saying she is physically fine. Her womb was taken and transacted in the marketplace. Paul, in his writings, mentioned challenging people in the marketplace, indicating a spiritual journey to address issues happening there.
Until we journey into the spirit, we cannot undo the wrongs done against us. Life is operational, and every operational system is orchestrated in spiritual realms. Whatever is happening to you has a market assignment connected to your life. The market is a spiritual place where enemies come to fight you and collect your blessings.
In 2 Chronicles 20:23, when the people of Israel came to the place of battle, their enemies were already dead, and they spent three days collecting the blessings. This shows that the marketplace can be a place of restoration, but also a place of destruction. Someone can sell your blessings or even your organs in the marketplace, and before you realize it, your health may fail. The marketplace is where firstborns can lose their birthright, becoming useless while others excel, because their birthright was swapped and sold.
The marketplace is where spiritual attacks are aimed at taking what is valuable from you.
The True Target of Spiritual Warfare
Warfare from the wicked against you is aimed at collecting from you those values and virtues that are important to you. They are not attacking you because you’re beautiful. The devil does not engage in a battle against you because you can speak eloquently. Your English has nothing to do with the devil. Your certificates have nothing to do with the devil. Your position in life has nothing to do with the devil. But there are certain things you don’t even value that are more valuable to the devil. Your associations are not important to the devil. What are the things that are important to the devil? One of them is your gift.
One of the reasons you face severe battles in life is because of the gift that God has given to you. One of the reasons that things have gone wrong in your path is because of where you’re going—your destiny. This is one of the reasons the devil is fighting you. One of the reasons why the devil is against your life is because of your relationship with God. If you are in a relationship of intimacy with God, you will come to realize that as long as your relationship with God is intact, victory is established.
The Marketplace of Spiritual Transactions
The marketplace is always a place where you should understand that it is where things that are important to man are sold and bought. The life of a man is swappable; it can be exchanged. The life of a man is exchangeable. People can exchange your life. You may be the one people love, the one people try to make better, the one people try to connect with. Everywhere you go, people want to see you. People love you. The love people have for you is the reason why, like it or not, the devil comes against you. So, each time you experience battles, I want you to understand that the marketplace is not for everybody, but it is for two categories of people: those who have lost their blessings and those who want to regain them.
So, how do you regain what was taken from you? You go to the marketplace and buy it back. How do you regain it if your glory was taken? How do you return it if your destiny was taken? How do you return it if things that belong to you were taken? Your connections, your contacts—how do you bring them back? We need to come to understand the factors involved. Let’s come to the truth. The marketplace must be a place where you understand that you must buy back what was taken from you. The reason why people remain in bondage without a way out is because they don’t know why they were bound.
Praise the Lord. There are certain things in life you need to understand: until you know where your trouble began, you will never know how to come out of it. Until you know where it’s from, you will never know how to handle it. The problem is that we are fighting random prayers, engaging in random fights. We don’t know the battle we are fighting. We don’t know the genesis of what is happening to us. For a man to fight a battle and come out victorious, that man must understand what the battle entails. A soldier going to war must know the techniques. If you don’t know the techniques for the battlefield, then you might turn and kill yourself.
The Role of Spiritual Altars
When a soldier goes to battle without knowing who his enemy is, he might turn and kill the innocent. In the same way, a man who doesn’t know how or where his problems began will not know how to undo them. Every problem a man is facing today came from an altar. The genesis of all problems began at an altar. In Christianity, the genesis of every blessing begins at an altar. If a child of God does not have a backing altar—if a child of God does not have an altar on which he stands to fight—he will lose every battle. The source of victory and the source of defeat in the battleground are tied to the altar you are standing with.
It is your altar that will decide your victory or your defeat, not the noise you make in prayer. A lot of times we shout in prayer, yelling “Die! Die! Fire! Fire!” But most of those prayers don’t work if there is no altar in your favor. This is the reason why the Bible tells us that Balaam and Balak discovered that if they wanted to put the people of Israel under bondage, they had to raise an altar. They told the king to make an altar, and they attempted to place a curse on Israel. When that didn’t work, they made four different altars, representing the four cardinal points.
Now, listen carefully. Every spiritual entity works with these four points—not just the marine kingdom, but witches, occultists, satanists, and even God Himself. Every child of God must understand the mystery between these four cardinal points. Every market is determined by a particular coast. People who operate in the east have their own market; people in the west, south, and north have theirs. In the spiritual realm, when markets are held, people come from different coasts to buy things they don’t have in their own place. This is similar to ritualistic practices, like kidnapping for human parts.
When people hear about kidnappings, they often think it’s just for ransom, but in some cases, it’s for harvesting body parts for ritual purposes. They need the victim alive for the parts to be harvested. Likewise, in the spiritual realm, people are stolen and harvested. Every marketplace has agents of stealing. The Bible tells us in John 10:10 that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. These three missions are carried out by spirits. In every realm of life where spirits operate, these principles are in effect.
The Devil’s Mission: Steal, Kill, and Destroy
There are three categories of spirits assigned to carry out these missions. The first group is sent to steal because they cannot sell until they have goods to sell. Their mission is to forcefully take what does not belong to them. The devil doesn’t bargain with you; he forcefully takes from you. When the devil attacks, he makes you make mistakes and lose valuable things without knowing it. This is why people, in times of trouble, go to the wrong places for help. When they step into the wrong altars, the thieves steal everything from them.
Today, many people in the church are empty. Their emptiness has robbed them of everything. No matter how hard they try, nothing works. The Bible says a laborer is worthy of his wages, yet many labor with nothing to show for it. Why? Because the stealer has taken everything. People are blessed by your knowledge, but that knowledge is a curse to you. You have the ability to transform a country, yet there is no revolution in your own life. The stealer manipulates people, making them do things that work against them. They make you deceive yourself, and before you know it, you’ve lost everything—your job, your opportunities, your glory.
After the thieves come the killers. The killers’ mission is to destroy your joy, your relationship with God, and your hope. They bring you to a point of self-pity where you feel miserable and hopeless. They want you to feel like there is no way out. After that, the destroyers are sent. The first mission of the destroyer is to block you from connecting with anyone who can give you the knowledge of what is happening to you. They may let you go to prayer ministries, but they won’t let you meet a prophet who can truly see what’s going on.
Here is the formatted version of the text with proper capitalization and grammar:
Leviticus Chapter 16

Hallelujah, Lord, we give You praise. Leviticus 16. The Lord warns Aaron because he is about to commune with the Spirit on the altar. Be careful.
From verse one, the Bible says, “And the Lord spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron when they offered before the Lord and died.” I have told you what made them die and how they died. The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to Aaron your brother that he should not come at all times into the Holy Place within the veil, before the mercy seat. This is another spirit.“
Thank You, Lord Jesus. Aaron must not die, for God will appear in the cloud. Aaron shall come into the Holy of Holies with a young bullock for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering. You don’t come to this place every time; you are only permitted to come once a year, and when you come, you must know you are entering the habitation of the spirit behind the altar.
Are we together? The spirit behind the altar. Every altar has custodian spirits—the spirits that govern the altar. Whether it’s a godly or an evil altar, the spirits will reflect the nature of the altar. The Bible says that God commanded Aaron to be the custodian of the spirit of the altar.
Now, this altar spirit is what gathers the goods that will be sold in the market. Praise the Lord. In the place I come from, there are four market days, and each represents a deity. My people thought it was just a market day, but they didn’t realize they were serving spirits. For instance, in my place, there’s a market day called the “E” market day, where “E” means python. The python is believed to be a spirit that people worship, making the market day an altar to which people bow.
People who worship certain deities avoid going to the market on those days, and this reflects how spirits govern marketplaces. Just as there is a market for spirits, every altar has its own marketplace, including evil organizations like the marine and witches. The marketplace is a transactional place for spirits. If you are not spiritually inclined, you cannot be part of that market.
Why would the spirit behind the altar take my blessing to the marketplace? To sell it. This is similar to how the Philistines plotted with Delilah to destroy Samson. Samson thought it was love that took him to Delilah, but it was a strategy to destroy him.
Sometimes in life, the Delilahs will come disguised as friends, but their mission is to bring you down. It took years for Delilah to destroy Samson because he trusted her, but in the end, she achieved her mission.
God wants us to understand that the marketplace is a place of spiritual transactions. If you want to regain what was stolen from you—whether it’s your voice, womb, relationship, or any lost connection—you must engage in spiritual warfare. The marketplace is where these things are bought and sold, and if you are not spiritually equipped, you will walk past your blessings.
To regain your stolen blessings:
- Fight the Marketplace
Engage in spiritual warfare. The marketplace is not for the faint-hearted. You must walk into that ground forcefully and take back what is yours. - Go with the Spirit of Discernment
Without discernment, you won’t recognize what belongs to you. You may walk past your own blessing. In the spiritual realm, discernment is key to identifying your inheritance. - Go with the Spirit of Warfare
If a fight is necessary, you must be ready. The Bible says that in the battle of life, garments are rolled in blood. A soldier doesn’t fight expecting to come back unscathed. You need to be brutal in spiritual warfare, confronting the enemy without mercy. - Use a Seed as an Exchange
Sometimes, to regain what was stolen, you need to offer a seed that is equal in value to what was taken. David said, “I will not offer to God that which costs me nothing.” Evaluate the price of what was lost and sow a corresponding seed. - Seek the Help of a Prophet
The Bible says, “Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.” Spiritual, physical, and soul prosperity can be accessed through the ministry of a prophet. A prophet can undo the powers operating in the marketplace and retrieve what belongs to you.