Every knee shall bow, every tongue must confess, Jesus Christ is the Lord. Every knee shall bow, every tongue must confess, Jesus Christ is the Lord. Hallelujah, Jesus is the Lord. Hallelujah, Jesus is the Lord. Hallelujah, Jesus is the Lord. Hallelujah, Jesus is the Lord. Hallelujah, Jesus is the Lord. Jesus is the Lord. Jesus Christ is the Lord.
Every demonic altar in my life, be consumed by fire now. Every demonic altar in my life, be consumed by fire.
Every blessing lost in the demonic altars, old house, and shrines, I recover them now in the name of Jesus.
Every blessing of mine that was lost in the demonic altars in the old house and in shrines, let them be recovered now in the name of Jesus.
Every power trying to lure me down in iniquity from evil altars, break by fire now, in the name of Jesus. Every power trying to lure me down in iniquity from evil altars, break now, in the name of Jesus. Every power trying to lure me down in iniquity from evil altars, in the name of Jesus, I command that power: break now, break now, scatter, scatter, scatter by fire, scatter, scatter by fire.
Every hidden enemy, every hidden enemy from my father’s house, every hidden enemy from my father’s altar, expire now, expire now, expire now, expire now, expire now. All powers from my place of birth that want to bury my virtue anywhere, die in the name of Jesus.
All power from my place of birth that want to bury my virtue anywhere, die in the name of Jesus. I receive destruction now, I receive destruction. You powers from my place of birth that want to bury my virtue, I scatter now, I scatter now, I scatter now, scatter by fire, scatter by fire.
Every demonic and ancestral voice speaking over my destiny, be silenced now in the name of Jesus. Every demonic and ancestral voice speaking over my destiny, I silence you now in the name of Jesus. Every demonic and ancestral voice speaking over my destiny, I silence you now in the name of Jesus.
Blood of Jesus, arise, pursue my pursuers from the ancestral altar. Blood of Jesus, arise, pursue my pursuers from every ancestral altar. Blood of Jesus, arise, pursue my pursuer from my ancestral altar. I call upon the blood of Jesus; I plead upon the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Prayers Against Foundational Poverty
Foundational poverty, financial reproach, persistent struggle over my life, be terminated now, be destroyed, be destroyed, be terminated now. Foundational poverty, financial reproach, persistent struggle over my life, be destroyed now.
I destroy your activities by fire, in the name of Jesus. I destroy your activity by fire, in the name of Jesus. Foundational poverty, financial reproach, persistent struggle over my life, I terminate and destroy your activities by fire now, in the name of Jesus.
Prayer Against Evil Altar Of Father’s House
Every angry altar from my father’s house, I break the evil link, in Jesus’ mighty name. Every angry altar from my father’s house, I break the evil link now, in the name of Jesus. I break that evil link, I break that evil link, I break that evil link. Every angry altar from my father’s house, I break the evil link now by the power in the mighty name of Jesus.
Every angry altar from my father’s or mother’s house wasting my life, I command you to receive destruction now. Every angry altar from my father’s house, from my mother’s house that is wasting my life, I command you now, be destroyed, receive destruction now, receive destruction now, receive destruction, receive destruction, in the name of Jesus, receive destruction.
You angry altar from my father’s heart, you angry altar from my father’s house, what are you waiting for? Receive destruction now, be destroyed, be destroyed by fire. Demonic and evil powers used to promote satanic plans over my life, you are a liar. You are a liar.
Scatter, scatter, scatter by fire. Demonic and evil powers used to promote satanic plans over my life, I say in the name of Jesus, you are a liar, you are a liar. Scatter, scatter, scatter, scatter by fire.
Demonic and evil powers used to promote satanic plans over my life, scatter by fire now, scatter by fire now, in the name of Jesus.
Prayer Against Strongman
Every family strongman, every family strongman and stubborn strongman from my family altar crying over my destiny, break and be wasted by fire, break and be wasted by fire now, in Jesus’ name.
Every family strongman, every stubborn strongman from my family altar crying over my destiny, I command you in the name of Jesus, break now, break now, and be wasted by fire, be wasted by fire, be wasted by fire, in Jesus’ name.
Every demonic power assigned to take me away from my Promised Land, catch fire in the name of Jesus. Every demonic power assigned to take me away from my Promised Land, fire, fire, scatter, scatter, be scattered, be scattered, be scattered, be scattered, by fire.
You demonic power assigned to take me away from my Promised Land, I command you, in the name of Jesus, scatter, scatter, fire.
Every demonic mighty man, demonic mighty man from all altars that are fighting my destiny, I command you to destroy yourself now, in the name of Jesus.
Demonic mighty men from every altar that are fighting against my life, that are fighting against my destiny, I command you, begin to destroy yourselves now, destroy yourselves now, fight against yourselves, in the name of Jesus.
Every demonic altar, every demonic altar, every demonic altar speaking premature death over my life, I command you to be scattered now. Every demonic altar speaking premature death over my life, I command you now, be scattered now, be scattered, scatter, scatter. Every demonic altar speaking premature death over my life, what are you waiting for?
Receive destruction, receive destruction now, receive destruction, receive destruction now, receive destruction, receive destruction.
My virtues that are in satanic altars, come out now by fire, come out, fire. Every one of my virtues that is in satanic altars, I command you now, come out by fire, come out by fire, come out by fire, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Oh God, arise and destroy every messenger of unknown sickness in my body, in Jesus’ name. Oh God, arise. Oh God, arise and destroy every messenger of unknown sickness in my life.
Every messenger of unknown sickness in my body, receive destruction now, receive destruction, receive destruction, receive destruction now. I silence every wicked voice calling me in the night hours from all evil altars, in the name of Jesus. I silence every wicked voice calling me in the night hours from all evil altars, in the name of Jesus.
I silence every wicked voice calling me in the night, calling me in the night from all evil altars, in the name of Jesus.
Prayer Against Financial Limitations
Blood of Jesus, break and destroy any blood connecting me to financial limitation. Blood of Jesus, break and destroy any blood connecting me to financial limitation, marital wastage, and failure at the age of my breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.
Blood of Jesus, break and destroy any blood connecting me to financial limitation, marital wastage, and failure at the age of my breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.
Blood of Jesus, break and destroy any blood connecting me to failure, sickness, backwardness, persistent struggle, rejection, in Jesus’ name. Blood of Jesus, break and destroy any blood connecting me to failure, sickness, backwardness, persistent struggle, rejection, in Jesus’ name.
Every evil altar speaking against my progress, terminate your activities now, in the name of Jesus. Every evil altar speaking against my progress, I terminate your activities now, in the name of Jesus.
Every inherited marital problem foundation, every inherited marital problem, foundational yokes, ancestral demons and powers arising from any angry altar, you are powerless. Expire now, expire by fire now, expire by fire now, expire by fire now, expire by fire now. Every inherited marital problem, foundational yokes, ancestral demons and powers arising from any angry altar, you are powerless. Expire now, expire now, expire by fire now, expire, expire, expire now, expire by fire.
Heavenly fire squad, open fire and kill every stubborn power from any evil and family altar over my life and destiny, in Jesus’ name. Angelic fire squad, open fire and destroy every stubborn power from any evil altar, from every family altar over my life, and destroy them, destroy them, in the name of Jesus.
In Jesus’ miraculous name, as you pray this prayer, read Psalms 22, Psalm 24, Psalm 25, and Psalm 26. In Jesus’ miraculous name, I have prayed, Amen and Amen.