If you have made up your mind to end the witchcraft battle in your life, kudos! When you begin, your approach should be different from that of the enemy. Use a system and tactics that are different. Start in humility. Of course, prayer is your approach—it is the only sure way to win the war against witchcraft.
When you begin, don’t start by attacking witches and wizards. No, you must first ask for forgiveness. Go to God in prayer, asking for forgiveness in any way you may have wronged Him. Ask Him to forgive you in any way you have opened the door to witchcraft manipulation or attack in your life. Ask Him to forgive you for bearing the trademark of witchcraft. When you start your war against witchcraft in prayer, don’t stop until you win the battle. It is very dangerous to start and stop halfway because witches and wizards do not stop. It is either you win or they win, but by the power of the Most High God, you will win this battle.
Let’s say you decide to end witchcraft attacks in your life through prayer. For example, you might want to pray for one month. Yes, your prayer should last at least a month because you must continue to fight—it’s never over until it’s over. For the first three days, pray for nothing except asking the Lord for forgiveness. During this time, you deal with many things. You address the witchcraft trademarks, shut every door you’ve opened that has given witches access to your life, and ask God for forgiveness. If you have visited witch doctors, native doctors, or been involved in divination activities like tarot cards, mediums, or psychics, ask God to pardon you. All these things open doors to witchcraft attacks, so you must first shut these doors by asking for forgiveness in prayer.
After asking for forgiveness, show your readiness to change. You need to rid yourself of any contact objects associated with witchcraft, magic, or their trademarks. For about three days, engage in this prayer, which opens the doors of heaven to listen to you. After these three days of forgiveness, you can start the proper prayer. In your prayer, you should pray for at least one hour, as Jesus said to His disciples, “Could you not watch with me for one hour?” So, in this type of prayer, it is required that you spend at least one hour. If you can spend more, even better, but at least one hour is necessary.
Begin your prayer with praises. If you’re praying for one hour, use the first 15 minutes for praise. Then, give thanks to the Lord for what He has done and for the victory He is about to give you in this war against witchcraft. Even in this prayer, continue to ask for forgiveness for any sins. After this, ask the Lord to intervene in every battle that is beyond your understanding. Ask Him to fight for you in every witchcraft battle that you cannot comprehend.
Begin to break every covenant you have entered into, knowingly or unknowingly, with witches and wizards. Break any agreement you’ve made, even if it was in a dream, through eating food that was bewitched, or through the exchange of gifts in dreams. These covenants can be strongholds, so break every covenant with witches and wizards. Ask the Lord to expose every witchcraft activity in your life and bring it to an end.
Consistency is key. This is why I advise praying for at least one month. Let me share an experience. There was a family that noticed witchcraft activity around them but couldn’t explain how it was happening. They decided to engage in one month of prayer, praying from midnight to 2:00 AM every night. They continued this prayer for two weeks when they noticed something strange: a woman they had taken in, who had lost her husband, kept interrupting their prayers. Every night, while they prayed, she would come out, looking for something, like a charger, and this would distract them from their prayer. This continued until the 30th day of their prayer.
On the 30th day, as she came out again to look for something, one of the family members asked her, “Why are you always looking for something every night? Are you a witch?” It was then that the Spirit arrested her, and she confessed, “I don’t know, but something comes to carry me every night.” From there, the whole witchcraft activity was exposed, and the family was delivered. This is why consistency is essential. Don’t pray with lukewarmness. If you commit to a month of prayer, pray every night for however long you choose—one hour, two hours, or even three hours.
Follow the approach I’ve shared. Begin by asking the Lord for forgiveness. Get rid of anything associated with witchcraft, and break every covenant you’ve made. As you continue praying, you will receive revelations, and God will reveal things to you. Use those revelations to guide your prayers. I assure you, if you do this for one month, you will break through in the spiritual realm. You will know, even before you finish, that you are already victorious. By the time you are done, every witchcraft attack in your life will cease.
If you decide to embark on this journey, I pray that the Lord Almighty, by the power of Jesus, will help you overcome this war and end every witchcraft activity in your life. Remember to begin in humility and ask for forgiveness. If you do this, heaven will be attentive to your prayers, and by the time you finish, every witchcraft attack will end in your life.
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