Though they have been destined DEAD for many generations, Hallelujah! The spirit of the Lord is upon you; the spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me. He has anointed me. Now, when we speak of the word anointing, we are speaking of the implantation of the Holy Spirit. When we talk about the anointing, we are talking about the Holy Ghost living in a man. So, when we say someone is anointed, it simply means that individual has the Spirit of God in him; that individual is carrying the Spirit of God. They say he that is anointed is God. So, one thing we need to understand is that the word anointing is the presence of the Holy Ghost in a man. Hallelujah! Amen! It is the presence of the Holy Ghost in a man, and when the Spirit of God comes to a man, he comes to liberate. When the Spirit of God comes to a man, he comes to put an end to affliction and end to troubles—an end to problems in the life of men. The purpose of the Spirit of God coming upon a man is to ensure that men are free.
So, there is no freedom which we call deliverance in the absence of the Holy Spirit, for wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there’s what? Liberty! Praise the Lord! So, liberation is orchestrated by the Holy Ghost; deliverance is brought to be by the presence of the Holy Spirit. So, if there is no Spirit of God, there is no deliverance. When we talk about the anointing, we are talking about the force that triggers deliverance. Amen! It is the spiritual force that brings about freedom; that spiritual force that brings about liberation; that spiritual force that brings about men being pulled out from the bondage that the taskmaster has implanted them into is called the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah! He is not a warrior, but he’s a deliverer. There is a difference between a deliverer and a warrior. Praise the Lord! A deliverer is a man sent to bring deliverance. Are we together? A deliverer is a man sent to bring deliverance, but a warrior is a man trained to war. They are two different things. So, any man who is a warrior is a trained soldier, and he was trained from his youth to know the techniques of warfare. Praise the Lord!
Who can carry out Deliverance?
Now, a deliverer is a man that was sent with an instrument to bring about a fulfillment of God’s plan. The only instrument to bring about an instruction that will trigger liberation. So, for men to be liberated, there is something they need: just one thing—an instruction. When a man is able to carry on with the instruction that was passed on to him, he becomes above the forces that fight him. Can I shock us this morning? The reason why many in the church are under the bondage of the enemy is because they are living in disobedience. Praise God! When a man begins to live in obedience to divine instructions, that same man will start living above the oppression of the devil.
I’ve come to understand that you, as a man who is free or desires to be free, do not do what every man does. You must pick your midnight as your prayer time. I tell people, I said the people that are called dark agents, or dark beings, or dark spirits operate in the dark. Their activities are of the dark, and you, who is called the light of the world, are children of the light, the source of the light, the carriers of light. You should also make use of your light to undo what was done in the night. Hallelujah!
You Must Operate In Light
So, those people are called people of darkness, and they love using darkness to operate because they are of the dark. Now, you are a light; you are expected to operate in the light. So, when they do every nonsense they have done against a man while he was asleep, it is the duty of that man, who is a son of light, to wake up in the morning and use the daylight to undo it. You know, sometimes there are some routines in the Christian life that need to be done away with. We should not be fighting the devil in the darkness. You know why? Because in the dark age, they have this mentality that darkness travails their authority. So, when they are in that age, they are more powerful; when they are in the night, they are more authoritative; when they are in the night, they are bound to be dominating. It is their time; it is their realm; they operate in the realm of darkness.
And everyone that must operate in that dark realm must be a man of the dark age. If you are not of the kingdom of darkness, don’t operate in the dark. That’s why they say every man’s work will be tested with fire, not with darkness. Amen! So, when we talk about this scenario, we need to come to a point to realize that we are of light, and every person of light, or personality of light, should use his light. Let your light so shine, not in dark places! Let your light so shine that men will see the light. So, it means it must shine in the day; it means it must work with the day because you are of the day. He said that anyone who walks in the night doesn’t know the path for they stumble upon stones. But we are not of them that walk in the night; that was Paul talking. We walk in the day. Are we together?
The Anointing Is Light
So, when we talk about anointing, it is bringing a man into the realm of illumination. What is illumination? It is light. What is light? It brings you to a point of understanding the differences about life and sending you out of ignorance. Why? It takes ignorance for men to be in bondage, for my people perish for lack of knowledge, and my people go into bondage for lack of knowledge (Isaiah 5:13). How do you get so? It takes ignorance for the wicked one to trap a man. So, you can’t be trapped until you are ignorant. So, for me to live a life that must keep me perpetually above bondage, I must know the way out. Are we together? That’s why it says you shall know the truth.
If God has said I am bringing to you what it takes to bring you out of bondage, but you must know what it also takes. See, what you do not know is the reason why you are suffering. Ignorance is not an excuse in the law and in the realm of Christianity. Every Christian that is having a warfare to cause a deliverance to happen is having a case. Praise the Lord! The moment you start quoting the scripture and telling God it is written, it is written, God is changing that your prayer and is inviting you to the court of God. In Psalm 100 verse 4, it says enter into his courts. There are courts; even in every kingdom of the spirits, there are courts.
Hello? The way we have legal courts, or law courts on earth, we have spiritual law courts, and every individual is made to bring their matter. If you cannot win a case in the court of God, you can never win any battle in life because deliverance is a process of fighting for freedom. Praise the Lord! It is a process. So many times, you don’t get freed by people pushing you down or laying hands on you. No! You may receive impartation by laying on hands, but you can’t receive deliverance by laying on hands. Are we together? You know why? Because when we talk about anointing, something is bigger than the force that is keeping you. Are we together? It’s something that is bigger than the force that is against you.
So, you can’t bring a man out of bondage until the power is bigger, Spirit bigger, authority bigger than the authority that kept him. That’s why even the lawful captive—meaning this man was lawfully put in bondage—this man has no right whatsoever to come out of that bondage. Even the lawful captive means he committed the crime that put him there. He committed the atrocity that placed him there; he has no reason to be freed. He is like a criminal that shot a woman and the children, and he was caught. He has committed an offense worthy of bondage or punishment. Yet, even such a man can be delivered. Why? When that man knows what it takes.
So, if even a lawful captive or captivity can still come out of his captivity with knowledge—knowing how—that’s why the Bible says the secret authority behind deliverance is the Holy Ghost. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me. So, there’s no anointing without the presence of the Spirit of God. There’s no anointing in the absence of the Holy Spirit. So, for a man to call himself the anointed, he must carry the Spirit of God on him. That’s why when Jesus asked the 12, “Who do people think I am?” they said, “You are the Christ.” Sorry, they said, “Some said you are Elijah; some said you are Moses; some say you are a prophet; or some are one of the prophets.” I said to you that ate with me and drank with me, “Who do you think I am?” Because he knew before the question that the people he was teaching for three years didn’t know him.
We Must Grow Into The Anointing
Hallelujah! So we need to understand that when we speak of the anointing, we speak of the Holy Ghost. And when the Spirit of God comes upon a man, he begins to guide you into the ways of anointing. Now hear this: anointing doesn’t just come; it is groomed into. Praise the Lord! You grow into anointing. That’s why in the book of Ezekiel, he said there are levels of anointing. Why? Because you must grow into them. He said when I entered the water at the beginning, it was ankle deep; you grow into anointing. As I came out again, I entered back into the water; it came to the knee. As I came out again, I went; he went to the waist, and the fourth stage, it was water that could be swimmed. Why? You grow into anointing; you don’t just carry it. When you go to church, they pour oil on you; you believe you’re anointed. If you get a higher you, scatter your head with that oil. Anointing is not about the oil, though it is a symbol. Hallelujah! It’s a symbol that indicates it, but it’s not the oil. Praise the Lord!
It’s about the Spirit of God brooding in a man. Praise the Lord! The Spirit of God brooding in you. When you read the book of Genesis chapter 1, verse 2, the Bible says, “And the Holy Ghost was brooding around the waters.” He is making his brood; he’s making his abode; he’s making his movement within the water to orchestrate deliverance. Hallelujah! And then the Bible said at the pool of Bethesda, at a particular time, the Spirit of God would come into the water to brood upon it. While the Spirit of God is brooding upon the water, the Bible says that anyone that falls into the brooded water, into the anointed water, praise the Lord, will get freed. He becomes freed from whatever trouble that he is going through. So now it is the anointing that is called the deliverance. Hallelujah!
Deliverance Is Manifestation Of The Anointing
So when we speak of the word deliverance, we speak about the manifestation of the anointing. Are we together? So to manifest anointing is what is called deliverance. No man can be delivered until there’s a showcasing of the anointing in you. So it is a display of what you carry on you and in you as anointing of the Spirit of God that brings deliverance. That brings deliverance! Hallelujah! So anointing for deliverance simply means the interpretation and the manifestation of the Spirit of God in you. That’s why the Bible says in John chapter 1, verse 12, “As many that received the Holy Spirit, to them he, the Spirit of God, gave power to be called the sons of God.“
As many that received him, it simply means that if I had to receive the Spirit of God, there are certain things that will come into my life. The Holy Ghost coming into the life of a man comes with packages. So when a man is anointed, there are certain things that will give out in you; they will literally give out. The reason you can’t carry the anointing and carry anger is that it does not permit the two; there are two strange forces. The anointing of the Spirit of God is antic anger. That’s why if you are carrying the anointing and you’re angry, the Spirit will leave you. That’s why the Bible said that the Spirit of God is a gentle Spirit. Say, “Grieve him not,” because if you grieve him, he will leave you.
You won’t know when David, in the old time, that people claim that the Holy Ghost was not there in the Old Testament, when David, who carried the Holy Spirit in him as the king of Israel, committed an atrocity. The Holy Spirit left him. When he looked at himself, he couldn’t find what had been making him a singer, the melodious praiser of God. He found out that there’s an atrocity; he had done something; the Spirit is gone. He went to God and prayed and said, “Lord, take not your Holy Spirit away from me.” In other words, “Take not your anointing from me.”
So David was anointed a king; he understood that the anointing that came upon him as a king was not oil but the Spirit behind the oil. Praise the Lord! So when David discovered that the oil that came upon him was not just what mattered, the oil that Samuel carried and poured upon him did not mean any significance but that there’s something the oil is standing for. It means the presence of God, which is the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! So when the anointing of God, which is the Spirit of God, entered into David, he saw a difference.
Now in the book of 1 Samuel chapter 10, when King Saul was anointed to become a king in Israel, in verse 6, it says, “And another Spirit entered into him.” Are you with me? Another Spirit entered into him. When the anointing left Saul, an evil spirit entered into him. No one can carry two spirits at the same time. So, when he disappointed the Spirit of God, he moved out of him, and the terrible Spirit entered him and began to torture and trouble him. While he was tortured and troubled, the Spirit of God went to David. You can only carry one spirit; that’s why the Bible said, “Test all spirits.” Verify the anointing in your life: is it of God or of the devil? Verify the tongue you speak: is it from God or from Satan?
You can’t carry the anointing and be a biter; you can’t be anointed and become a gossip; you can’t be an anointed person and live in bitterness. I’ve gone through stages of life that I should have hated almost everybody. Those are the things they’ve done to me that have the ability to create bitterness in me, but by the grace of God upon me and his anointing, it flushed. You can’t! That is why I told us several times in 2017, there was a slander against this church. Hallelujah! And those slanderers that slandered this church with a lot of accusing words came and created a scenario. People gathered; they were saying so many bad things, but the truth is that what they were saying is not true.
So everything they said, they finished and left, and after four months, the Spirit of God went tormenting them. The Spirit of God went troubling their hearts, and some people who heard the story, who were in the ministry, came and stood on the altar and laid curses on these people. For the fact they stood against a man of God. Once they got finished, they stepped back and said, “Sir, please, with all due respect, you unveil a mystery by laying a curse on these people.” I agree, but I agree with the way you laid those curses on them; you should uncurse these people. And they said, “Why?” Because this altar is not for cursing people; it is for blessing people.
There are certain things, and that was why when they undid their curses, they hated me as their friend and walked away. Sir, you don’t carry anointing; look for people; people will look for you. John the Baptist carried a heavy anointing; he was in the wilderness, and people from the city where there was so much prosperity left the prosperity and came to the primitive area where he was to be baptized. Deliverance must be orchestrated by the anointing. Deliverance is the act of the anointing. That’s why Acts 1:10, the Bible says, “You shall receive power after that the Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost, has come upon you.” You shall receive power!
You shall receive power! Meaning to say there is an excess in the anointing. When a man carries an anointing, he comes with power. What is power? The ability to create and uncreate. How? The coming on of the anointing upon a man is accompanied by the ability to undo and to do. That ability is called power. So that’s why in Matthew chapter 10, when God was about to anoint the 12 to send them out, he said in Matthew, he called the 12 unto himself and gave them power. The power he gave speaks of the anointing. Praise the Lord! Because you can’t carry power without first carrying the anointing. That’s why he said in the book of Luke 24, verse 49, “Stay in Jerusalem until you are endowed with power from on high.“
What is the endowing?
To endow means to be possessed, to be infused together with the power. Which power? The Holy Ghost! And then in Acts chapter 2, when the power from on high came, we discovered it was the third person in the Trinity; it was the third person in the Godhead. He came and landed on them—the same personality that came to Jesus when he was baptized by John. As he came out of the waters of Jordan, Heaven opened, and that same anointing came. Praise the Lord!
No amount of prayin and fasting will bring deliverance.If you like, go to all the mountains in this world. If there’s no anointing of the Holy Ghost in your life, you cannot deliver a man. Why? Before a man becomes a deliverer, he must first deliver himself. Hallelujah! You can’t be a deliverer if you have not delivered yourself. That’s why when God anoints a man, he allows circumstances to hit you. Every anointing comes with a task. Praise the Lord!
Those personal tasks happening to you is first delivering yourself before you could deliver others. You can’t tell another man you are free when you know you have never been free. You cannot tell the dead to rise when you are still dead. Are we together? You cannot rebuke the devil when you are still deep down under the bondage of the devil. You must first heal! That’s why Jesus told them, “A time will come, you shall give me this parable: physicians heal thyself.” Are we together? He was not saying that to mock him; he was telling them what will happen in a few times in the future that they remember to tell him that you start from yourself. Hallelujah!
And that was what the thief of Calvary was trying to open up to Jesus to fulfill that proverb that he told them. You will tell me, he said, “If you can deliver others, can’t you deliver yourself? And how? If you can pray for the sick to be healed, can’t you heal us even on this Calvary? Physicians, heal thyself!” I’ve always said it, and I want to repeat it here: you cannot pray for the deliverance of another man’s problem when your own problem is not gone. Don’t believe the fact that people tell you that while you are praying for people, your own is going out. It’s a lie! When you pray for people that have trouble, you have imparted your own trouble into them. Praise the Lord! Because when you lay your hands on a man, you transfer your spirit to that man.
So while you are transferring the spirit you carry to the man, everything that came with you is going to that person. So your Bible is making us to understand this day the will of God that he wants you to be delivered, but you need to have the knowledge to understand that deliverance must come when the Spirit of God has come. You cannot expect deliverance when you have not gotten him. Can I ask you a question? Is it possible for men to receive a gift from a man they never know? Is it possible? Now deliverance is a gift of the Holy Spirit.
Deliverance Is A Gift Of The Holy Spirit
Let me explain something: deliverance is a gift of the Holy Spirit. I like us to go to the book of Corinthians 12. Hallelujah! We start from verse five Hallelujah there are different kinds of services but we serve the same Lord there are different kinds of services but we serve the same Lord God works in different ways but it is the same God who does the work in all of us you see that he works in different ways that word work talks about Deliverance that work the work of God means the deliverances that God did praise the Lord Seven says a spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other did you see the reason why God gave us spiritual gifts which Deliverance is one of them to help others.
Not everyone in the church possesses the same gifts, but every believer does have the Holy Spirit. Despite this, many individuals attempt to create their own version of speaking in tongues, imitating what they see or hear from others, especially from their pastors or prophets. Let me be clear: you cannot mimic tongues. The moment you start to imitate the tongues of others, you may be speaking a demonic language. It’s crucial to verify what you are saying because speaking in tongues is a spiritual act, not a performance.
As Scripture teaches, “To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice; to another, the same Spirit gives a message of spiritual knowledge; to another, great faith; and to another, the one Spirit gives the gifts of healing.” When we discuss healing, we are inherently speaking about deliverance. Healing involves restoring someone who has been sick. Therefore, it is the responsibility of those who carry the anointing to bring deliverance to the sick. They should confidently declare, “In Jesus’ name, you are healed!” and watch as testimonies emerge of the miraculous work done through their faith.
There is no true miracle of deliverance without the Holy Spirit. The anointing of deliverance is about the Holy Spirit residing within a person and using them to perform wonders in their generation. As Isaiah 8:18 reminds us, “I and the children that the Lord has given to me are for signs and wonders.” We are sent into our generation to bring deliverance. Every genuinely trained Christian is a deliverer, not a warrior. Many who engage in spiritual warfare remain trapped by the very powers they fight against. However, a trained deliverer sees those powers vanish.
Consider the disciples of Jesus. They did not fast during His time with them because He was their anointing, their source of power. When He commissioned them, they returned, proclaiming, “In Your name, the demons flee! In Your name, we heal the sick!” They did not need to fast while He was with them. Fasting was only necessary after His ascension. For three years, the disciples were with Jesus, eating and enjoying His presence. Even when He took Peter and James to pray, they struggled to stay awake.
This raises a question: What does it mean to pray for one hour? Is it merely singing praises or offering thanks? My praise alone can easily fill an hour! When Jesus returned from His prayer, He found His disciples asleep. Why didn’t He force them to pray? Jesus didn’t fast at night; He allowed them to rest. After praying, He was ready to go because the anointing had already begun to manifest.
Jesus fasted only once for 40 days, and this was after He received the Holy Spirit. Following that fast, His ministry flourished. It was not the fasting that enabled Him to perform miracles; it was the Spirit that came upon Him. Acts 10:38 says, “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and He went about doing good, healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” The presence of the Lord that empowered Jesus was the Holy Spirit.
Even though the devil operates in wickedness, he is still ultimately under God’s authority. In the Book of Job, when the children of God presented themselves to the Lord, the devil appeared too. Despite his role as the accuser, he is still part of God’s sovereign plan. This shows us that even in chaos, God allows the devil’s work to draw us closer to Him. Trials and tribulations lead us to seek the face of God more earnestly.
We must understand that deliverance is possible only through the anointing. It is not a ritual or a mere practice; it is a divine ability. Deliverance is not something we conduct; it is something that happens through the power of God’s Word. When we preach about sin and its consequences, people become aware of their bondage and begin seeking freedom. That awareness is the beginning of deliverance.
Around with their brother’s wife, they think it does not matter. “It’s not a problem after all,” they say, “my brother’s property is my property.” They do not see it as something wrong; it has become a routine in the family. Everyone knows about it, so it’s not something hidden. It has now become a tradition. When you start preaching a message that contradicts that practice, the person says, “Ah, so this thing I’m doing is wrong,” and then decides to stop. That is deliverance.
This is why, when you read the book of Isaiah 61 and Luke 4:18, the Bible says we preach deliverance; we do not perform deliverance. That’s why I tell people there is no such thing as a Deliverance Ministry. I know people will fight me, and those in Deliverance Ministries will orchestrate problems with me, but the truth must be told: there is no such thing as a Deliverance Ministry. Every ministry of deliverance is in the preaching of the Gospel. Hallelujah, praise God! Isaiah chapter 61. Thank you, Holy Spirit. Amen. Oh, we give you praise. Let’s reread verses 1 to 3.
“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released, and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favor has come, and with it, the day of God’s anger against their enemies.” Amen.
Then when we go down to Luke, which says the same thing in chapter 4, Luke expresses it this way: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, and that the oppressed will be set free.” He sent me to preach deliverance. King James says, “He has sent me to preach deliverance, that those in bondage will be free.” That’s deliverance! He sent me to speak it. The word “proclaim” means to talk about it. He did not send me to lay hands in respect to that. He didn’t tell me to make people stand in a deliverance line. No, He says to speak it. It is in the voice; it is in the word. I was sent to bring good news and to proclaim, to speak deliverance. Hallelujah!
Every man must understand the power of deliverance. Most times, when you try to perform deliverance, the people will always come back after some time and tell you that the problem has returned. Why? Because you performed it; you didn’t speak it. Now, look in the book of James. King James says, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives.” He sent me to preach it, not to perform it. He sent me to preach it, not to practice it. It is not something I do; it is something I say. It is God who brings about deliverance by manifesting Himself.
When I speak of deliverance, I speak of God using a man to bring His plan to manifestation in that man. It’s not all about touching someone. God may never want you to touch a person; He says to speak it. When the centurion came to Jesus and asked Him to heal his servant, he said, “I am not worthy for You to come under my roof. Just say the word, and my servant will be healed.” Jesus marveled and said, “I have never seen such faith, not even in Israel.” As the centurion returned home, his servant was healed at the very hour Jesus spoke.
What is Deliverance?
Deliverance is about speaking life into people. The life that undoes every death sentence—called captivity, bondage, or troubles—over them. Isaiah described it as a woman in labor crying in pain, and men crying as if in the agony of childbirth. Many people have suffered for years, for five, ten, or fifteen years, going from one deliverance minister to another, paying money, doing everything they are told, but nothing happens. Why? Because they went for deliverance. You don’t go for deliverance; you engage in deliverance in your own home.
Believe that as the man of God speaks, you will be delivered. If you can touch his faith, it will be enough. You don’t need someone to lay hands on you. The woman with the issue of blood had spent all her money on doctors. But when she touched Jesus, life flowed from Him into her, and her issue of blood stopped immediately. Jesus said, “Who touched Me?” He spoke the word, and the fountain of her blood dried up.
There are times when we need to understand that a man can find deliverance in his own home if he has the knowledge of what it takes. That’s why the Bible says, “With the heart, man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.” It didn’t say you must go for a man to lay hands on you. You can be following a service on media or television and, with faith, place your hand on the screen. Your case is over. It’s not always necessary for someone to lay hands on you.
Annointing Is Needed For Deliverance
To preach deliverance, I must first be baptized with the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus gave them power and sent them out two by two. When they returned, they testified that even the demons were subject to His name. The anointing in the name of Jesus brought healing, raised the dead, and cast out demons. That anointing must be active in you for it to work. You must be anointed by the Spirit of God for the anointing of Jesus to be effective.
Being born again is not enough. You can be born again and still suffer troubles. The devil can still oppress you. That’s why the Bible says, “When a strong man keeps his goods, they are safe until someone stronger comes along.” Nothing is greater than God, and when we speak of God, we mean the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. When the Spirit of God appears, every circumstance and evil must go. Isaiah 10:21 says, “Every yoke, every bondage, every trouble will be destroyed by the anointing.”
It doesn’t matter how long the problem has lasted. If it encounters the anointing, it will break. That’s why men must seek the anointing that brings about deliverance. You cannot be delivered until you know about it. If you do not know the root of your problem, you cannot begin to address it. If the foundation is faulty, even God will not help. You must understand the foundation of your problem before you can invite God to fix it.
For example, if a child does not know their father, they must seek out their mother to find him. It’s the same with your spiritual issues. You must seek the knowledge of what is dealing with you, or else nothing will change.
Or to orchestrate deliverance for men, that individual must find the source. The first way to find the source is the Holy Ghost, and the second is by revelation. And who is the person that will give you the revelation? It is the Spirit of God that comes upon you. When the Spirit of God comes, He will show you all things. Praise the Lord! When you have the Spirit of God, you start to search, and through the searching, you seek revelation. Your heart will open up, and God will open your spirit man to begin to search.
The Bible says the candlelight of a man, the Holy Spirit, is the candlelight of a man, searching the in-depth heart of man. The candlelight, the searchlight of a man, is the Holy Ghost. When He enters into you, He will open up His fields, His chambers, His connections, and will begin to draw down information to you, subjecting you to a wonderful kind of knowledge you have never known in life. When you get to know that knowledge and begin to put it to work, deliverance begins to happen.
I’ve heard a lot of people who have told me, “Sir, we are tired of praying.” I asked why, and they said, “Every time, they will give us food in the dream to eat. Every time, they will serve us food in the dream to eat, and most times, it always happens when something good is about to come. When they bring the food, as soon as we eat it, it spoils.” I told them it’s not something you pray about. If you continue praying about it for such a thing to stop, it will linger for the next 30 years.
The only secret is to know how to handle that power. The Bible says that the enemy of a man will eat his own flesh and drink his own blood. It doesn’t mean that you feed a human being with flesh and blood; it means that those nonentities that bring food in your dream should be commanded to eat that food. After I finished explaining this to them, I also taught some of my children in London, a few of the ladies. I taught them the same principle. One of them told me, “Daddy, after you told me that, the same night, the two demons brought food for me. As I saw them in the spirit, I stood up, remembered what you told me, and I commanded, ‘That thing you brought in your hands, eat it.'”
Instantly, the demon started eating what they had brought. After they finished eating, they became angry and left. After four days, they returned again with something else. She woke up in the dream again and said to them, “I command you to eat it.” They ate it the second time, and they never came back to her again. But if they had been praying, “Every spirit feeding me in the spirit, die by fire,” after the prayer, they would still give you food. There are certain traditional concepts that have been introduced into the church that need to be removed. There are certain occultic practices, in the form of prayers, that have been injected into the church and need to be deleted.
Praying For Deliverance
The house of God is a place of prayer, but not every kind of prayer is permitted in the house of God. Praise the Lord!
Luke Chapter 5, starting from verse 18, says: Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a sleeping mat. They tried to take him inside to Jesus, but they couldn’t reach Him because of the crowd. So they went up to the roof, took off some tiles, and then lowered the sick man on his mat down into the crowd, right in front of Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the man, “Young man, your sins are forgiven.” He didn’t touch him; He simply spoke the words.
But the Pharisees and the teachers of religious law said to themselves, “Who does He think He is? That’s blasphemy! Only God can forgive sins.” Jesus knew what they were thinking, so He asked them, “Why do you question this in your hearts? Is it easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or ‘Stand up and walk’?”
So I will prove to you that the Son of Man has the authority on earth to forgive sins. Then Jesus turned to the paralyzed man and said, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home.” Immediately, as everyone watched, the man jumped up, picked up his mat, and went home, praising God. Jesus didn’t sweat it out. He wasn’t performing acrobatics or trying to display power. He spoke the word because, as the Bible says, deliverance is in the voice. He spoke, and it happened.
Proverbs 18:21 says a man shall be satisfied by the words of his mouth. Verse 21 continues, saying there is power of life and death in the voice of a man. When you speak life to a man, he lives. When you speak death or sickness to a man, he dies or becomes cured. The power is in the tongue. That’s why God Himself said that the deliverance we are looking for is in what we say, not in what we do. It is in what we say. Preach it, proclaim it—speak deliverance. Speak deliverance! Praise the Lord! Speak deliverance!
What are the ways to bring deliverance? How do we bring about deliverance? The Spirit of God uses a man to perform deliverance or to bring people out of bondage. We in the apostolic ministry believe strongly in what is called the word of knowledge and the word of proclamation. When we speak of the word of proclamation, you discover that most of us in the apostolic faith believe in decreeing words. When you come to us for prayer, we will tell you, “I decree in Jesus’ name, go, it is settled.” As you go, you find out that the problem is gone, and you come back the next day and say, “Daddy, I don’t understand. As I was going, the issue disappeared.”
That is real deliverance. Not until you pay for it. Some people believe in payment; they will pay and pay and be assigned to a deliverance role. When the time for deliverance comes, the man of God will come and lay hands on you, embrace you, and do all sorts of things. But the spirit in that man of God is entering into you.
The Bible says that when God told Moses, “Go, gather me seventy elders, seventy men, I will take your own spirit and put it upon them.” That’s called impartation. If I embrace Pastor Ike right now, the spirit in me will enter into him. The same way, you don’t go to people you don’t know and allow them to lay hands on you or embrace you because you don’t know where the spirit behind them comes from. Many people in ministry today make use of cemetery spirits—spirits of the grave. Some have been buried for two or three days and come out with the spirit of the grave, familiar spirits. When they embrace you, they inject death into your life. When they lay hands on you, they pour death upon you. That’s why you should be careful.
All things are not answerable to all men. You need to verify the spirits behind the church or men of God you connect with. Many contact the wrong spirit, and that is why the church is dying today. You may have a spiritual mentor—there’s nothing wrong with that, I have my own—but do you know the spirit behind that mentor? The church you pay your tithe to—do you know the foundational spirit behind that church? The man you trust more than any other—do you know who they are? Have you received any revelation of who they are? Every man is a spirit, and every man has a backing spirit. If the spirit backing the man you trust is demonic, everyone connected to that man is also affected.
The Bible says to separate from them, so that you may not be a partaker of their sins. You cannot be neutral and then suffer the consequences of another man’s error. Witchcraft is about pouring the spirit of error into men, making them believe falsehood to be truth, making them walk in error, thinking it is right. That’s witchcraft—what the serpent did to Eve.
How Deliverance Is Achieved
We need to discover the ways that deliverance can be brought.
Number One: By the Word of God. Deliverance comes through the Word of God. When the Word is preached, if you can grab it, it can change you. Revival is a product of a received Word. If you have not received the Word, you have no deliverance. If you don’t have a received Word, you have no way out of your bondage. The way out of a problem is to receive a Word to address that problem. Praise the Lord.
Psalm 107:20 says, “He sent His Word and delivered them.” So the Word has the ability to bring deliverance. The Word has the power to bring deliverance. In the absence of the Word of God, mind you, the Spirit of God cannot work without the Word of God. Praise the Lord! The Spirit of God cannot work without the Word of God. It takes the Word to be free. Isaiah 55:11 says, “The Word I speak to you will not return to me void, but will accomplish the purpose for which I sent it.“
Every spoken Word has a mandate. Every Word that carries a mandate and is received by a man orchestrates deliverance. Men can receive deliverance through the Word of God. When you don’t know the Word, you are out of deliverance. Praise the Lord! He sent forth His Word, and He delivered them.
Psalm 105, starting from verse 19: Thank you, Jesus. Are we there? Verse 18 says, “Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character.” Then Pharaoh sent for him and set him free. The ruler of the nation opened his prison door. Joseph was put in charge of all the king’s household. He became ruler over all the king’s possessions. He could instruct the king’s aides as he pleased and teach the king’s advisers.
Then Israel arrived in Egypt, and Jacob lived as a foreigner in the land of Ham. This passage is talking about when his Word came. In the King James version, it says, “When His Word came, He tried him, and the King brought him out.” Praise the Lord! When His Word came—thank you, Holy Spirit—it says, “Until the time that His Word came, when His Word came.” There is a Word that every man needs to be free. Until His Word came, when His Word came for him, his deliverance came to him.
Immediately, when His Word came, the prison, the bondage, the trouble, the calamity that had shut him down, that had kept him, let him go. Sir, there are certain things that fighting warfare will not release you from. There are certain things prayers will not stop. Have you discovered that often, the more you pray against masturbation, the more it persists? Haven’t you noticed that if you are into alcoholism, the more you pray against it, the more you drink alcohol? If you are trapped by women, the more you ask God to destroy sexual sin in you, the more it grows.
There are certain things that, when you pray for their termination, will keep on enlarging, multiplying. You know why? Because you have not known the secret of their termination. You do not know what it takes to get that thing out of you. And what it takes is the Word of God. If you can challenge masturbation with the Word of God, it will disappear. If you can challenge any sexually perverted sin or secret sexual sin with the Word of God relating to that, the sin will go.
When the devil came to Jesus, Jesus didn’t fight. He said, “It is written, it is written, it is written.” And the devil left Him because the Word of Jesus undid the dominion that Satan had before Jesus came to the Earth. Satan had called himself the god of the earth. But when Jesus came, He became the God and the Master of the earth, declining, destroying, separating, and demoting the devil from the throne of kingship.
Realm Of Knowledge
I don’t know if you are following me this morning. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! So, God is saying we need to come to the knowledge of what I call the “realm of knowledge.” That is why, when God was creating everything, He created a tree in the Garden of Eden called the Tree of Knowledge. He knew that the only way to keep everything that God has created in place—undiluted, indestructible—is by the knowledge of God’s Word. So, He planted that tree, called the Tree of Knowledge, the surety of creation, in the garden.
It was the same Tree of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Life that made God chase Adam and Eve out of the garden. He said, “If they tamper with this Knowledge Tree, they will also tamper with the Tree of Life. And when they tamper with the Tree of Life, they will live forever in evil.” Even unknown to our generation, the fruit they ate has brought our generation—who were not even there—into bondage through the bloodline.
Praise the Lord! We became men who carry the sins of Adam. We partook in sins we did not even know how or when they were committed. We were never in existence when they were in creation, but we, as descendants, just like we do not know who Abraham was, became children of Abraham and partakers of Abraham’s blessings. Because when God was blessing him, we were in his loins.
When His Word came, at the coming of His Word, there was deliverance—not at the coming of an acrobatic manifestation. When the Word was released, Joseph came out of the prison. There are prisons in your life that can only listen to the Word of God. They can only obey the Word of God. Your prayers may hit the bars, but nothing will happen. But when the Word comes, the foundation of that prison will open up.
Paul and Silas were in their own prison, but that prison could not hear anything else. They prayed and prayed, but the prayer did nothing to the prison. But when they switched over to praise, it happened. The only key that could undo the foundation of that prison was praise. When they turned to praise, the doors opened, and the foundation began to shake. Why? Because everything answers to something.
That is why everything has things they answer to. There are things answerable to the blood of Jesus. There are things answerable to the name of Jesus. There are things answerable to altars. There are things answerable to knowledge. Psalm 138:2 says that God has exalted His own name, Jesus. He exalted His own name to become God, but at a particular time, He also said, “I have exalted My Word above My name.“
This means that if God the Father—whatever the Father can do—when you call the Father into it and the Father cannot do it, involve the Word, and it is settled. The Word is Jesus. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. In verse 14, “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, the glory of the only begotten Son of God.“
In 1 John 5:7, the Bible says, “There are three that bear record in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one.” They do not agree to be one—they are one. That is why Jesus boldly said, “I and My Father, we do not agree to be one; we are one. I am My Father, and My Father is Me, because we are God.”
Are we together? Praise the Lord! So, through the Word of God, men receive deliverance. Number two: by having a relationship with God. Every relationship a man has with God has a way of deleting so many unnecessary things. Can I shock you? You can’t be in a relationship with God and still be angry. Let us not believe the lie that anger is natural. It’s not a natural thing; it’s a trait of the devil. It is an antic of the enemy.
Jesus said, “The prince of this world comes, and he finds nothing in Me.” Even Jesus was never angry because there was no devil in Him. There was nothing in Him that belonged to that age or that kingdom. He was a man who understood that, in his relationship with God, there was a need for the things of the devil not to be found in him. Anger, bitterness, malice should not be found in you. Backbiting and gossip should not be found in you. Speaking against authorities or dignitaries should be far from you.
Praise the Lord! These are things you are not expected to do because your relationship with God gives God access to manifest through you. When a man enters into a relationship with God, things change.
Relationship with God Is Needed For Deliverance
Every anti-God, every Antichrist, every anti-Holy Ghost that is found in him shall drop. Praise the Lord. You need to understand that every relationship we have with God is for one purpose: to undo Satan. Hallelujah. When we speak of Satan, we speak of bondage. Most of the things that bind men and keep them in perpetual bondage are unforgiveness and malice. When you have bitterness—can I shock you?—when you have bitterness in your heart, you put yourself in bondage. When you have bitter unforgiveness because somebody did something against you and you can’t forgive the person, you are in trouble. The person is minding their own business, but you are the one suffering. Each time you see the person, your heart will escalate. Each time you see the person, you get angry, but you can do nothing. The more you are angered, the more your veins are dying. The more you get angry, the more your health system deteriorates, and before you know it, you start getting sick. Hallelujah, you start getting sick.
Why? Because unforgiveness has destroyed every system in you. Your veins are weaker because of unforgiveness. You think, “Because you did this to me, I will never leave you.” Meanwhile, the guy has gotten to where he’s going. He has entered his house, finished eating, and is resting. But you, like, “Me, it will never be well with this boy! Ah, you broke my heart!” The person you are cursing has moved on. Maybe he broke your heart; maybe you were in a relationship with him, and he broke your heart, and all of a sudden, something happened. He left you and became born again. Everything you are saying against him is useless. Even if you curse that man, it will fall on the ground. Now, the guy has made peace with God, but you are still carrying anger and provocation in your heart. Before you know it, you will die, and that same person will be alive. Before you know it, problems will begin to escalate. You will begin to increase in sicknesses, as an individual. We have multiple cases of sickness around you, yet there’s no way out. The person you thought broke your heart is perfectly settled, but you are in sickness. You begin to think so much. Your blood pressure rises because of someone you dealt with. After three years, you are still thinking about that person. After five years, you are still hitting your hand on the ground. Praise God!
Why? Because out of unforgiveness, men are dying. Such things will remain. You see, one of the hardest things to amend in a man’s life is unforgiveness. One of the hardest things to undo in the life of a man is malice. But men should come to realize that as long as they live, men will offend you. Amen. As long as you exist, offenses will come. And because there will always be offenses, God is saying that you must understand you must forgive. It doesn’t matter who offended you; it doesn’t matter the gravity of your offense. Your responsibility as a child of God is to forgive. That’s why Jesus, when teaching us, said, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”—not those who will trespass. So the duty is to forgive those that wronged you, not those who come to ask for forgiveness. Even if they never come, you must forgive them. Praise the Lord.
In such a way, you will find that your relationship with God will grow. But when there is malice, bitterness, and unforgiveness in your heart over people who have done you wrong, over people who have hated you and given you hateful speech, over people who have molested you—if you can still live in unforgiveness with these people, you are not a Christian. One of the traits that proves a child of God is to love even your enemy. Praise the Lord. In the book of Amos 3:3, the Bible says, “Two cannot walk together except they agree.” So now, a relationship with God is an agreement with God. Being in a relationship with God is being in agreement with God. You need to understand that relationship means a covenant with somebody. Amen. Relationship means a covenant.
Role Of Covenants
For me to walk in a relationship with somebody means I’m walking in a covenant with you. For me to tell you I love you means we are entering into a covenant of love. For me to say I care about you means we are entering into a covenant of hospitality. Are we together? Every act of agreement is a covenant. No man can share their blood with you until you have an agreement. Praise the Lord. No personality will agree to leave his family to become your wife until there’s a covenant of marriage. That is why, in a marital case, when you break the law of marriage by living in sexual perversion, the marriage breaks because you went out to be with another woman. When you brought her to church, there were oaths of marriage that you took. One of the oaths of marriage people take on the altar on the day of marriage is the oath of faithfulness. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. It is the oath of faithfulness. Among all the billions of women in the world, it is you I choose. Among all the billions of men in the world, it is you that I chose. The oath of faithfulness.
Any day either of you breaks the oath of faithfulness, the marriage breaks. So every act of agreement is a covenant. Two can work together. Every act of agreement is a covenant, and every covenant has terms and conditions. They have terms and conditions. Before a man enters into a relationship with God, he must be able to find out what the terms and conditions of that relationship are. There are different kinds of relationships. In each of the relationships you enter into, you must come to the point of knowledge of the terms and conditions or the policy that backs up that covenant. The backing-up policy is what empowers a covenant. Hallelujah. Every covenant that is powerful must have a backing order. Praise the Lord. You must have a backing order. If the order backing the covenant is not involved, then it is no longer a covenant.
You know why? Because, at this point, you discover that your relationship with God means you are working according to the instructions of God. Amen. Deuteronomy 28:1. Thank you, Holy Ghost. I’ll just read verses 1, 2, and 3: “If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully keep all his commandments that I am giving you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the world. You will experience all these blessings if you obey the Lord your God. Your towns and your fields will be blessed if you obey this commandment.” So a command is a backing law. Praise the Lord. A commandment is a backing law. There’s a law that must be backed in every covenant. If you know the law that backs the covenant with God, then there’s an assurance that deliverance will come.
One of the reasons why we always get into covenants with God is to enable us to operate in freedom. That’s why—to enable us to operate in freedom. If we are not able to get into a relationship with God, to be free will be impossible because it takes God to orchestrate your freedom. Hallelujah. It takes God to orchestrate your freedom. A freedom God could not orchestrate can never happen. So when a man gets involved in a relationship with God, He makes that individual free from every kind of bondage. Amen. In Isaiah 1:18, the Bible says, “Come, let us reason together.” So Isaiah, in chapter 1, verse 18, entered into a covenant of reasoning with God. This was the same thing that Abraham did when the angels told him they needed to go to Sodom to destroy it, and Abraham entered into a covenant of reasoning. He said, “Please, before you do this, how will you destroy the righteous with the unrighteous? Isn’t it wrong?” And it was wrong, so they agreed not to. Abraham started reasoning with God, from 50 righteous people down to 10. He reasoned with God, giving Him reasons not to destroy that land.
At the point of 10, Abraham believed there must be at least 10 righteous men. But, unknown to him, there were not even two righteous men. Praise the Lord. Abraham entered into reasoning with the angels. He convened with the angel with a covenant of reasoning. How I wish we had enough time to go through that with a covenant of reasoning. There’s an agreement you enter into just to agree. You are disagreeing just to agree. The binding source of that disagreement is to agree on a particular thing. In this case, Abraham discovered he could interfere in the affairs of spiritual beings. Why? Because the king of Salem called him “Abraham, the possessor of the heavens and the earth.” So Abraham became the owner of heaven and earth, and he could address any earthly or spiritual matter. Why? Because he was in control. Praise the Lord. When the spiritual beings came, Abraham began to interfere in their matters. Why was it so? There was a relationship that allowed it. Amen. There was a relationship that allowed it, which was the relationship he entered into with God.
In John 15:3, Jesus said, “Abide in me, and I will abide in you.” Number three, and I think I will stop here—amen—by following divine instructions. Following divine instructions, each time you are told to do something, don’t question what you are asked to do. When God says, “
Eli, what he planned, why can’t he tell the four sons of Eli or the two sons of Eli that were remaining? Why? Because the two sons died at the altar. The fire from the altar, the remaining two, died in the battleground, which led to the death of their father. Amen. So how can a man stand and bury four sons before him? Who would then bury him? Praise the Lord. In the part where I come from, they call it a taboo that a man is burying his own children. They look at it as a bad thing. It’s a man, and that’s what it is. Hallelujah.
We Must Be Obedient
So, we need to learn to obey everything we are asked to obey. Everything you are asked. In Job 36:11, it says, “If they be willing and obedient, they shall eat the good of the land. If they be willing and obedient, they shall spend their years in prosperity and their days in pleasure.” If they be willing and obedient, meaning to say if a man is ready to obey everything that God has told him, that obedience will bring deliverance. Amen. That obedience will bring deliverance because the obedience of Abraham led to righteousness being imputed to him. So when you obey God’s instruction, you become a righteous man before God. When you obey God’s instruction, every power of darkness will drop.
Listen, I will read this, and I will close. 2 Chronicles 20:21. I think I’ll be ending here. Thank you, Lord Jesus. I want to start reading from verse 21. It says, “After commanding the people, the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army, singing to the Lord and praising Him for His holy splendor.” This is what they sang: “Give thanks to the Lord; His faithful love endures forever.” At the very moment they began to sing and gave praise to the Lord, the Lord caused the armies of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir to start fighting against themselves. Amen.
I’ll stop it there. Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, told the people of Judah, “We are going to fight three nations together against us, but look at what God said: Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe in His prophets, and you shall prosper.” He went down in verse 21, saying, “According to what God has said, let the army go back. Let the singers be in the warfront,” which, in the arrangement of battle, is never done. In the arrangement of battle, there is no way a singer will be in the front, but yet God said to King Jehoshaphat, “Send all the men backward. Let the singers, players, and priests come forward.”
Now, the first row were singers. The second row were instrumentalists. The third row were priests. As they stood that way and started singing of the faithfulness of God, the Bible says that while they were going to the battlefield, God fought for them. Why? Because they obeyed God, and God began to intervene. That’s what I tell you: if God is not involved in the foundation of a battle you are getting into, He will never intervene. But when they obeyed, there was an intervention. They did what God commanded, and on the mission, God went. That is deliverance.
Before they came to the battleground, in verse 23, they found that all their enemies had turned against one another and began to fight and kill each other. Even the only one who survived had to use a knife to kill himself. I see your enemies fighting against themselves. Amen. I said, I see your enemies destroying themselves for you. Amen. They will never prevail over your life again. Amen. Hallelujah. Amen.
And the Bible says in verse 23, when they came to the battlefield, they found their blessings in the hands of their enemies, and they spent three days collecting their blessings. Every one of your blessings in the hands of your enemies, you shall collect them this month.
Amen. I say, you shall collect them all this month!
Amen, in the name of Jesus Christ. Stories of the past will never remain again. Every power that brought you down will lift you up!
Amen, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. They went in, and they came out victorious.
And they began to say, just like it happened in the time of Joseph, when he told them, “You planned evil for me, but God turned it around for good.” Every evil plot in your life, God will turn it for good. Amen. Are you following me this morning? Every evil plot of the wicked in your life shall turn to your favor. It shall turn to your greatness. It shall come to your blessings. What was meant to bring you down will lift you up. Your enemies will look up to you for help. Amen, in Jesus’ name. Amen. The Lord will bless.